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The telepathic powers of the Graphic Designer

I am not here to complain about the tough life of a Graphic Designer– because secretly (or not so secretly) I love the stressful, coffee-fuelled pace of the design industry. But, let’s face it; our job can be pretty tough sometimes.

We have the ability to take your idea as a mere seed, then plant, fertilise and nurture it until it blooms into the most beautiful flower you’ve ever seen. We put a lot of thought and effort into our creative solutions, endeavouring to cater for your every need and create something that both client and designer are proud of. But without your help, none of this is achievable. In fact, without insight into your thoughts, we cannot do our job properly.

Growing your idea and achieving a tangible solution is our job– and we take it very seriously. However, we are not mind readers (although I think fortune teller/ graphic designer would look rad on a business card), and need your help in taking the first step in the design process.

In this way, we ask you as potential clients to spill your guts. Probably not the most tactful or eloquent way to put it, but it pretty much sums up what we want from you. We need to know what you are thinking, how you are feeling (about the design job of course, curing medical problems and solving relationship issues are not our strong point– we can refer you to someone though…) because every little piece of information or insight you can provide, is in our opinion, absolute gold.

Don’t assume anything– we won’t when designing your logo/business card/website/brochure, and neither should you when handing us the brief. Be detail minded and ultra specific about what you envisage. Your vision should become our vision. Favourite colours, admired logos, business ethos, personal style– it is all relevant and useful for us when developing your solution.

So, please, talk to us– we won’t bite. In fact we will be overjoyed to hear your opinions and thoughts. Fill in a brief, shoot us an email, give us a call. Remember the more information you give us, the better job we can do.